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Wednesday, January 24, 2007 @7:52 AM

Rain and Video Games

it's raining...

the day's kinda miserable but still... i like the rain...

i'm bored once again waiting for my piano class where i basically sit around and play with the keyboard more than practice which isn't helping me but on the other hand... it's fun!

in other big news, those of you who may not know already, i'm hoping to open my own video game shop soon... maybe in a few months or within the next year but nonetheless i hope to get it open soon!

so what's the store about anyways? well, most people have been in a GameStop, EB Games or something like that. however, these stores only let you play DEMOS of new release games nothing more... in MY store however, you'll be able to play any game on any system! and all you'll have to do is pay for an hour of gaming time. i don't have an exact price yet but it will be a very minimum and affordable fee so that anyone can just walk in and play. you could basically consider it an arcade but with NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Nintendo Wii, PS2, PS3, XBOX, XBOX 360 and so on! we're gonna have tournaments and all kinds of things that'll have customers coming back for a long time.

anyways, just thought i'd fill you in on the latest news and such. that's about all i've got for now.



Monday, January 22, 2007 @10:44 PM

Hurt the Happy Penguin

let's get one thing straight... Hurt, is NOT the penguin's name >:)


Funny Videos


@9:28 AM

I'm a YouTube[r]

So, yesterday once again I become one with my boredom...
Solution? Hit up the good ole' YouTube.com...
Well I gotta say, I've been hooked for awhile now. To see all the crazy people and their videos but also to check out uploaded videos that I've already seen.
The one thing I probably enjoy most is looking for videos where people do their own covers of bands and such. Some have been A-OK... While others made me just want to hurt the people who performed them...
Me being a fan of the punk genre, I absolutely can't get enough of NOFX. Well, yesterday I typed in "NOFX covers" and YouTube brought me a few videos. One was of this kid playing his version of NOFX's Linoleum on an acoustic guitar... I thought "hm.. that's an awesome song, i'll check it out"..... I almost hung myself..... "Was it THAT bad?" You may ask... Let's put it this way. Anyone who knows or listens to NOFX knows that Linoleum is not supposed to sound like a whiney emo song...
Now most of my life goals have been accomplished thus far, but I'm this close to finding this kid and murdering him...

If you dare: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuYhZAcSkiw you can find the infamous video here.

AND while you're there go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF_LNdKgiTk to see the band that plays the song the way it should always be heard... (and to watch em make fun of a german dude;)


Saturday, January 20, 2007 @6:47 PM


the title really says it all. Same Shit, Different Day

today, i attempted to cure my boredom by going to the one place i know where to go. the friggen' mall. needless to say the only thing that did was give me a headache. apparently there was LOADS of stuff going on today. karaoke, blow-up obstacle course and more...

i wish i was 12 again...

regardless, i did get an overwhelming sense of nostalgia today and it made me content knowing that the future of our society appear so happy when things like this happen in the mall. on the other hand so do fucking theives...

today being a very busy day meant lots of business for the store. meaning more theft attempts. so in order to cure my boredom i offered to act as a secret shopper and watched people for the store. it was fun. i kept asking my co-workers for cds that would lead us to potential theives and they all left and got away with nothing. it really was fun and i hope things like this help me in getting possibly a asst. managing position or something similar. as of right now, i'm the senior associate and its official, my best friend marcy left the store for better opportunities. cant really blame you marce. but music truely is my passion and even if that means helping someone look for a rap, christian, or even latin CD, i have to be there to help them because it also makes me whole to see people getting exactly what they want. i truely believe that music is the ONE thing that completely affects the way every single person acts and etc etc. and though i may not agree or even like the music everyone listens to, i do appreciate it regardless of what it is. if someone sees what theyre donig as music and get it into a store like f.y.e. then well, i truely respect that. because those people don't give a shit whether or not anyone enjoys what they are putting out, what matters is that the person[s] doing it are putting their heart, soul and time into it. its truely inspiring and i can only hope that one day it will be me being pushed back in the bin or checked out at the counter...


Tuesday, January 16, 2007 @11:14 AM

so i finally figured out that the blogskins i've been so desparate to obtain don't work to well with the "new blogger" so i found my old one and deleted the one from last night and now i hope that this is working now... and i edited the persons blogskin so it has become miiiine...buahahahahaha



The name's Josh. Music is my muse, my inspiration, my life. I play guitar. Performing is one of the things I love to do most. Welcome to my blog. It's full of numerous thoughts. Some good, some bad, some don't make sense at all :) Hope you enjoy!


My Acoustic Project
Bean's Blog
Chrysta's Blog
Ashton's Blog
R.B.'s Blog


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